Auburn-Delta Air Lines Propel Partnership

Auburn University Department of Aviation was among the eight Part 141 university flight programs chosen by Delta Air Lines to offer the Delta Air Lines Propel Pilot Career Path Program. The program is open to junior or senior students, as well as flight instructors who have recently graduated. To read about the partnership between Auburn University and Delta Air Lines, visit the announcement page on Auburn’s website. For more information about the Delta Air Lines Propel Pilot Career Path Program go to the Delta Propel website .

AOPA ASI Spring Safety Seminar

I had the privilege of presenting AOPA Air Safety Institute Safety Seminars for eight years. The new spring seminar “NONTOWERED CASE STUDIES: WHAT WENT WRONG?” is going to be yet another excellent product given around the country by ASI’s outstanding presenters. This seminar schedule will begin in early January 2017, so I encourage you to go to AOPA’s website and find a seminar near you – you won’t regret it. Here is what AOPA has to say about this seminar:

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SAFE Pilot Proficiency Project

The SAFE Pilot Proficiency Program will take place in Melbourne, FL on March 8th and 9th, 2014. As a member of SAFE, I would like to encourage those of you who can attend this event to do so. The experience will be well worth your effort. It will be a busy weekend, but you will be exposed to many things that will help you to enjoy safer flying experiences. The information below comes from the SAFE Pilot Proficiency Program website, however I encourage you to visit the website to find out more about what will be happening and to register for the event.

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Establishment of Airman Certification System Working Group

The following excerpt is taken from a January 29, 2014 posting in the Federal Register. If you have an interest in the Airman Certification Training and Testing process and wish to get involved in making this process more effective, then this may be for you.

“The FAA assigned the Airman Testing Standards and Training Working Group (ATSTWG) a new task arising from recommendations of the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC).

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New FAA Airman Certification Standards – Comment Now! (Round 2)

After many months of hard work, the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) Airman Testing Standards and Training Working Group (ATSTWG) has released the Private and Instrument Airman Certification Standards, formally the Practical Test Standards, for public review and comment.

During Round 1, these documents were available until May 24, 2013 and many valuable comments were received. It appeared however, that many did not get the word until it was too late and were unable to comment. The ARAC worked with the FAA to have the comment period re-opened so more input could be gathered.

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New SAFE Member Benefits

Aviation educator’s are always looking for ways to hone their skills in training professional pilots. Fortunately, the industry is blessed with gifted innovators who create and offer tools that help instructors do their jobs better. One organization that is working to bring the two together is the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE). SAFE’s Vision Statement reads “SAFE is a member-centric, professional organization for aviation educators. SAFE facilitates the professional development of aviation educators; it seeks improved learning materials for all aviation students, and a safer aviation environment.” SAFE’s Mission is to “. . . to create a safer aviation environment through enhanced education. SAFE provides aviation educators with mentoring, support, and professional accreditation. By providing quality educational materials and other resources, we seek a reduction in aviation accidents, increased professionalism among aviation educators, and lifelong learning by everyone involved in aviation.” In an attempt to stay true to both the vision and mission of the organization, SAFE is offering new benefits to its membership through the generosity of two industry leaders. Most recently SAFE announced the addition of two new products; eKneeBoard, by AnywhereEducation and iFlightPlanner, by iFlightPlanner. Follow this link to read the announcement. Let’s work together to create safer skies by training safer and more professional pilots.

New FAA Airman Certification Standards – Comment Now!

After many months of hard work, the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) Airman Testing Standards and Training Working Group (ATSTWG) has released the Private and Instrument Airman Certification Standards, formally the Practical Test Standards, for public review and comment. This is exciting because the industry now has a say in how to increase the level of aviation safety through the way we train airmen. There are five documents available for review and comment. The more input received, the better the end product will be for the entire aviation industry. There is still a lot of work to do between now and the end of September, but your comments will help guide the crafting of these, and the remainder, of the documents this group has been tasked to work on. Please take the time to review and comment. Also, let your friends know about this opportunity – spread the word. The comment period is open until May 24, 2013 so don’t miss this opportunity.